Private Breeder

Selected kittens raised at home, not in factories Or mill
Impeccable behavior
Kittens are easily litter trained with all around warm personalities. Furniture safe.
Without psychological trauma
The kittens come from a stress and anxiety free environment to give you the peace of mind for emotional well being.
Positive reviews
Satisfied clients share their positive impressions
Affordable price
Quality and the joy of a furry friend at a great price

Guaranteed Health and Happiness

To the best of my knowledge, I promise the health of my kitties. A one-year "basic" health guarantee against congenital deformities and a two-year "basic" health guarantee against genetic defects are provided to each owner or home that acquires a Kitten. At the time of pickup and/or transportation, all vaccinations and worming will be current, and the kittens will not have any visible problems.

UP until the age of one year, your kitten is protected from deadly and drastically modifying congenital disorders that negatively impact the animal's health. If the kitten passes away within this year, you will need to cover the cost of having an autopsy performed to determine the cause of death. Should the cause be congenital, the Kitten will be swapped out. Up until the age of two, your kitten is protected from defects that significantly impair its quality of life.

This guarantee only applies to replacement items.

The licensed veterinarian's exact diagnosis that the kitten has a serious, perhaps fatal congenital condition must be communicated to me within two (2) business days of the diagnosis. I also need one (1) report with a similar, accurate diagnosis of the same issue from a related veterinarian. Next, I'll provide you with a comparable replacement kitten. To be eligible for a replacement kitten, a defective kitten must be returned to me at buyer's expense in good condition, excluding the stated issue, or put down with our consent at your expense. The replacement Kitten will be of similar quality and will be decided upon by both parties.

THIS guarantee is not transferable to a second party or another Kitten; it only applies to the original Kitten and customers. I shall not be liable for any medical costs that are incurred. As the purchaser, you acknowledge and agree that having a kitten entails many visits to the veterinarian and that you will bear the whole cost of care. Your kitten has been de-wormed according to a tight schedule and has gotten all necessary immunizations as of the day of delivery or pickup.

THE vaccination and deworming schedule for the kitten has been provided to you, and you are aware of the upcoming dates for these treatments. Before leaving the seller, a complete health check will be performed on all kittens. In the event that this kitten's life-threatening congenital abnormality is discovered within a year of If a written and definitive diagnosis is made after the kitten's birthdate, the money will be returned. including a description of the kitten in question from two different veterinarians as well as the congenital abnormality. A diagnosis that is unclear or speculative WILL NOT qualify for a refund from the seller. Not an exception! Seller shall not be held responsible for the development of disqualifying faults, diseases, viruses


To help your kitten establish a sound temperament, you commit to socializing it appropriately and exposing it to a range of scenarios. The initial two years are very crucial. It is highly advised that your kitten enroll in kindergarten or obedience school. It is crucial that the kitten understands who is in charge and how to interact with both people and other kittens or pets.

YOU must get in touch with me if you ever feel the need to part with your kitten and need assistance finding it a new home. The kitten may be returned to me, the breeder, or I will make an effort to help you find a new home if at any point throughout the cat's life you are unable to keep it.

AS per the terms mentioned above, I, the seller, do hereby undertake to provide these Kittens with a one-year Health Guarantee warranty.

Our kittens are raised in a nurturing environment, ensuring they are well-socialized and adaptable to new surroundings.
- Each kitten receives top-notch care, including regular vet check-ups and vaccinations, to guarantee their health and well-being.
- We take pride in our commitment to breed standards, ensuring our kittens exhibit the beloved kitten traits, including their friendly and playful nature, striking appearance, and majestic presence.

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